Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who has received compliments for his performance in "Paa", wants veteran actor Dilip Kumar and cricketer Sachin Tendulkar to see the movie.
"I have to show the film to Dilip saheb and shall be seeking time from him soon, as I would from Sachin Tendulkar who I wait to finish his series with Sri Lanka, " Amitabh posted on his blog.
Amitabh plays Auro, a 12-year-old child suffering from progeria, a disease that accelerates ageing.
"The telephone calls keep coming in about 'Paa' - (from) Mrs. Ansari, wife of the vice President of India (Hamid Ansari), (actress) Waheeda (Rehman)ji and old friends from Delhi and around the country, people who
have never ever interacted with me on my films or my profession, " he added.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 10:37 IST