When filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar decided to take a year-end break with his wife Renu and little daughter Nidhi, little did he know that the holiday would change his life.
Madhur chose to visit the jannat of his dreams Kashmir.
"I had never been to Kashmir in my entire life. It was a childhood dream to visit the Valley. I spent a large part of my growing-up years praying I'd get a chance to visit Kashmir.
Then I decided I'll wait for my
child to be born, so we can experience Kashmir together. Now that I'm here with my daughter Siddhi I feel I've got one of my oldest dreams fulfilled, " said Madhur emotionally from Gulmarg. "It's so calm peaceful and
nourishing here, no sign of stress and violence."
Madhur is so enamoured of Kashmir that he might set his next film, a comedy, in the Valley.
Madhur feels all the films shot in Kashmir in the last fifteen years from John Mathew Mathan's Sarfarosh to Piyush Jha's Sikandar have stressed the militancy issue above the human spiritual and geographical beauty
of Kashmir.
"Kashmir is not only about guns and violence.Why can't we make a film highlighting the pristine beauty of Kashmir which is still intact?" asks Madhur, and puts his creative passion into full use to restore the reputation
of Kashmir as pardise on earth.
This is precisely what Madhur wants to do. He'll make a comedy set in Kashmir that won't have any reference to militancy and extremism.
"After a series of serious films I needed a break. Kashmir has given me just that." Now it's up to Madhur's writers to weave the comedy earlier set in Mumbai into a Kashmiri location.
The last light-hearted film set in Kashmir was Subodh Mukherjee's Junglee in 1961.
"Let's bring the laughter back into Kashmir, " pledges Madhur.
Monday, January 18, 2010 11:45 IST