Barely hours before Abhishek Bachchan's game show Bingo was to go on air on Saturday, the channels Colors was in a panic. They were running around trying to put together the proposed inaugural episode featuring
the host with his Pa Amitabh Bachchan.
According to channel sources it was touch-and-go, what with the senior Bachchan being busy with the promotion of his new film and the junior Bachchan trying to juggle dates for his movies with his television
Abhishek admits it has been a hectic time for both his father and him.
In fact the channel had another episode ready as the inaugural episode in case the episode with the two Bachchans did not work out finally.
Says Rajesh Kamat CEO Colors, "We've a bank of episodes ready. But we really wanted the two Bachchans to be together to kick-start Abhishek's show. However co-ordinating their dates was a big problem. Both of
them are exceptionally busy. We finally got them to come together just a day before telecast."
Rajesh admits the recording of the episode with Abhishek and his father was cutting it really close. "But we had no choice. We had even put the promotion on air without recording the episode. We had a bank of
episodes ready. And we could've used any of them if the episode with Mr Bachchan had not materialized."
Luckily for the channel the senior Bachchan rushed back from Delhi just in time to record the episode with his son.
Saturday, January 23, 2010 13:39 IST