The Delhi High Court Monday issued notices to production house Eros International Pvt Ltd and actor Salman Khan on a
complaint of copyright violation in the just-released Hindi film "Veer".
Justice V.K. Shali issued notices to all the respondents for Feb 4.
The film is co-produced by Eros International and Vijay Galani.
Author Pavan Choudhary filed a lawsuit against the film, alleging that some concepts of the film have been taken from his
book "Trilogy of Wisdom".
Choudary has sought damages of Rs.20 lakh (Rs.2 million) from the producer and director of the film Anil Sharma for
alleged violation of copyright.
Choudary said in his petition that he had earlier sent a legal notice to the film's makers not to use his concept, but they
went ahead with the release.
"Veer", a period drama, was released Friday.
Monday, January 25, 2010 18:08 IST