Of late, Akshay Kumar has been receiving messages meant for Akshaye Khanna. Guess having a namesake is not always
Akshay kept getting messages from an assistant named Nikki all of last week, when he was shooting at Mehboob Studios
for Patiala House. Some of the messages were to inform Akshaye of his shoots and timings while the others asked him
what he wanted for lunch.
At first Akshay didn't realize that the messages were for Akshaye Khanna. But he later realized that the assistant had his
number saved against Akshaye's name.
And since the messages have come to him so frequently, he wonders
how Akshaye managed to reach his shooting on time. He also wonders how many of his messages might have reached
Interestingly, Akshay and Akshaye are co-stars in Farah Khan's Tees Maar Khan and Anees Bazmee's
Thank You.
This isn't the first time Bollywood has had namesake trouble. Director Feroz Abbas Khan and actor Feroz Khan, director
Sanjay Gupta and the cinematographer by the same name and jewellery designer Farah Khan Ali and director Farah Khan
are among the many people who have been in the same boat.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 13:18 IST