Bangalore saw a few guests from Bollywood on Saturday afternoon. Iconic actor Amitabh Bachchan along with director Ram Gopal Varma was present to promote their film Rann. The Big B's trip to Bangalore
refreshed his memory of the Coolie accident that had happened in 1982.
Amitabh spoke about how he is a director's actor and how he would like to take up a Kannada film, provided the offer is good. Amitabh has already done a cameo in a Kannada film, Amrutha Dhaare, directed by
Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar, in the past.
Actor Sudeep, who has also worked with Amitabh in Rann, stated that Kannada actors are starting to get good roles in Hindi films lately. He also spoke about how challenging his role was. Amitabh expressed his
happiness on working with Sudeep and praised him by saying that he has a bright future.
Thursday, January 28, 2010 11:29 IST