Veteran actor Dharmendra and his son Sunny Deol will grace the small screen with their rare appearance on the Star Plus
reality show 'Mahayatra'. Contestants will be seen sharing their wonderful stories with this father-son duo about their wish to
fulfill their parent's dreams in every manner.
Dharam paji is a strong-willed man with a soft heart and this was proved when he was moved by the stories of the
He also shared stories of precious moments with his father with the contestants. The handsome
father-son duo appreciated the young contestants for their gesture of taking time out for their parents.
Dharmendra and Sunny Deol's jodi will add a new color to this show as they regale them with their tales. This special
appearance will be aired on 'Mahayatra- Rishton Ka Anokha Safar' this Friday, January 29 at 7 pm on Star Plus.
Friday, January 29, 2010 11:56 IST