Filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar said National Awards are the Oscars of India. Madhur is on Cloud 9 since Jan 23, when the
56th National Film Awards were announced and his film 'Fashion' won two awards.
"I am very glad that my work his yet again appreciated. I believe National Award is the Oscar of India and there is no bigger
achievement then this. I thank my fans, my audience, my technicians and all the critics, who give me the support to come
up better than before every time, " Madhur said.
Also adding on his kind of cinema, Madhur said: "My movies are not exposive, maybe they just hold up a mirror to society.
My movies are not judgmental, I just show what happens in our society, sometimes there could be a solution and
sometimes there may be none. Life goes on."
To express his gratitude to God, Madhur even visited the 'Ajmer Sharif Dargah' recently and offered a Traditional & Holy
'Chaddar' at the sacred place.
"It is a streak of National Awards and it is all God's grace; so I thought that little I could do it is come to this serene place
and offer my thanks to the one who has given all this success." said Madhur.
"I prayed for all my fans, my audience and of course whole team of Fashion."
'Fashion won' the awards in the categories of Best Actress (Priyanka Chopra) and Best Supporting Actress (Kangana
Meanwhile, adding another feather to his cap, Madhur will join the Indian community at Washington in United States of
America on Saturday (Jan 30), to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Indian Republic Day.
He has been invited as the Cultural Ambassador and the Special Guest for the function. Madhur will share the stage with
Governor of Washington, Senators, Congressmen and Community convener.
He will also be honored at this international forum amidst the august gathering.
"I am very glad at the extension of this invitation and take it to be an utmost honor. It is absolutely great and I will be happy
to meet my fellows Indians in Washington. Indians are doing wonders in every corner of the world and I am proud to be an
Indian, " said Madhur.
Madhur will share his thoughts on the contemporary Indian cinema and how it has enriched the Indian Culture.
Monday, February 01, 2010 12:14 IST