Oscar-nominated film "Avatar" has inspired another fantasy franchise to convert to the 3D format. The next Harry Potter film will feature Daniel Radcliffe and co-stars Rupert Grint and Emma Watson's characters in 3D!
James Cameron's movie has raked in over $2 billion worldwide in the seven weeks since its release, and the success has already prompted George Lucas to revive his "Star Wars" films in 3D and now executives at
Warner Bros. have confirmed the technology will be implemented for the final instalments of the wizard franchise too, reports contactmusic.com.
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" (Part 1), which is set for release Nov 19 this year and Part 2, set for a summer 2011 release, will be seen in the three-dimensional format.
Movie bosses at Warner Bros. will also delay the launch of action fantasy "Clash of the Titans" by one week to April 2 to convert the film, joining other upcoming 3D titles including "Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty
Galore" and "Guardians of Ga'Hoole".
Thursday, February 04, 2010 10:33 IST