As Abhishek Bachchan turned 34 on Friday, his sister Shweta Nanda recalled how excited ‘Paa' Amitabh was the day he was born.
To celebrate her joy on Abhi's birthday, Shweta has writtern a piece for a film trade magazine-Box Office India Weekly. On Thursday
night Big B uploaded the edit note on his blog.
"On the eve of Abhishek's birthday as we prepare to welcome the 5th I can only share the joy with my extended family by putting out
what Shweta wrote for a magazine on her brother, " Big B wrote in his blog late Thursday night.
Shweta, in her edit piece, said Feb 5, 1976 was a day of celebration for the entire Bachchan family.
"As my mother explains it, she chose the name Abhishek, for her second born, and only son, because it means the anointing of a king
or God- in her context it was Amitabh Abhishek- the crowning glory of her husband.
"At the hospital that day, there was an atmosphere of celebration- my father opened bottles of champagne, though it was strictly
forbidden, and everyone, including the reluctant nurses imbibed and partook in the revelry.
So, Abhishek brought with him euphoria and merriment; the air was thick with bubbles and the pop of corks and before the new born
could even utter his first independent cry, his destiny was thrust on him – he was to the manor born... and Abhishek would not
All praises for her brother, Shweta said she admires Abhishek's ability to carry such an awesome mantle with such grace, yet never
losing his innate affability.
"Seldom, in these many years have I come across anyone who is impervious to his charm and effervescence. Yet very few could grasp
what it would feel like to be in his shoes, while he himself has much bigger shoes to fill. He makes it look effortless, " she said.
Shweta further said Abhi wanted to take up acting ever since he was a child.
"Ever since he was a boy, he wanted to act. He enjoyed going on the sets and struck up friendships with the entire unit, they indulged
him and I remember him making a boy's game out of serious props like swords and hand pistols. The sets were truly his playground.
"At home he enacted action sequences with all his vigour, me and my hapless dolls and teddy bears bearing the brunt of his
melodramatic fury. I correct myself, he didn't want to grow up to be an actor- he wanted to grow up and be Amitabh Bachchan!
"Today when I see him on screen, larger than life, it feels surreal, glimmers of his make believe world of dangerous villains and man
eating monster's flash through my mind."
Shweta further said AB Junior is a man with tremendous grit.
"Many a time people get taken in by the boyish pranks and fail to see the man inside- who has tremendous grit, it may take him time
to get to where he wants but get there he will...have no doubt about it. He is capable of such maturity and intensity in his
performances it belies his years."
"I have to admit I have watched all his movies behind a veil of tears, tears of joy and pride that he is realizing his dream and my
mother's – Amitabh Abhishek- Amitabh's crowning glory!" she added.
Saturday, February 06, 2010 10:46 IST