After garnering appreciation for ‘All The Best', Ajay Devgn and Bipasha Basu will yet again share screen space. And this time it is Priyadarshan who is all set to go on the floors with his next venture ‘Ram Leela'.
"‘Ram Leela' is based on epic Ramayana with new dimensions added by director Priyadarshan, " confirms the singer Ajay Jhingran of ‘Billu', ‘Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi', ‘Page 3' fame.
Jhingran has also sung two songs in the film whose music has been composed by Pritam Chakraborty. Irshad Kamil has penned down lyrics for the film.
Well, Ajay and Bips seem to have taken the lead as Rama and Sita. Wonder, who will step into the shoes of other characters. And what will be Priyadarshan's approach to this modern ‘Ram Leela'.
Saturday, February 06, 2010 11:27 IST