The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Monday appeared to back the Shiv Sena by calling for a nationwide boycott of Shah
Rukh Khan's "My Name is Khan" but took objection to the Sena's Mumbai-for-Marathis stand and said every inch of
India belonged to all Indians.
"People of India must boycott 'My Name is Khan' as Shah Rukh Khan is a traitor, " VHP general secretary Pravin
Togadia told journalists here.
"My Name is Khan", starring Shah Rukh and Kajol, is set to be released Friday.
But the star is mired in a blazing row over his recent comments advocating the cause of Pakistani cricket players who
were not picked by any team for IPL.
Togadia threatened that posters of the film would be torn down.
Interestingly, the radical VHP leader locked horns with the Shiv Sena that had also objected to Shah Rukh's comments
by saying Mumbai could not be only for Marathis.
"The VHP's stand is very clear and we differ on the Shiv Sena's position. According to us, every inch of India belongs to
all Indians and every Indian has the right to stay with dignity in any part of the country... Mumbai, Delhi, and even
Kashmir is for all Indians, " the VHP leader said.
"If we try to stay that Mumbai is for Marathis and outsiders have to leave Mumbai, then I would say India would not
Tuesday, February 09, 2010 10:11 IST