On Tuesday Tabu released the English translation of Shabana's mother Shaukat Azmi's biography Kaifi & I on the
legendary poet-activist-lyricist Kaifi Azmi.
So far available to readers in an Urdu, Hindi Marathi and Japanese, the English translation by Nasreen Rehman was
released on Tuesday evening.
Tabu unhesitatingly said yes..
Explains Shabana, "Tabu and my mom are very close. It was important to have the book released by someone who's
familiar with the language and the cultural ethos of those times. There could be no better choice than Tabu. "
When asked why the two of them had not done any movie together Shabana replied, "It has to be something worth the
while for both of us. "
About the book function Shabana says, "It was lovely. Mum's admirers turned up in large numbers and she was in top
form. "
Talk is now on to turn Kaifi & I into a film. The book is already on stage with Javed Akhtar and Shabana playing Kaifi
and Shaukat Azmi.
Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:32 IST