Many of Shah Rukh Khan's fans in Mumbai vowed Saturday to watch "My Name is Khan", saying the superstar hadn't made any mistake by remarking against the exclusion of Pakistani cricketers from the Indian
Premier League (IPL).
"We were always with him. No one should have pointed a finger at Shah Rukh Khan who has given so much to Mumbai and is a big Bollywood star. I have seen his movies since childhood and I am planning to go to
watch this one as well. All I want to say is that he didn't do anything wrong, " Shaukat Ali, 36, a bag vendor in Bandra, told.
The Shiv Sena had opposed the release of "My Name Is Khan" after Shah Rukh refused to apologise for saying Pakistani cricketers should have been included in this year's IPL.
Despite Sena activists vandalising several theatres in Mumbai that were to screen "My Name Is Khan", fans of 'King Khan' thronged cinema halls where the film released Friday.
But there were certain areas where the movie wasn't shown, leaving his fans disappointed.
"On Friday, there was adequate security in the Navi Mumbai theatres and the crowd was there to watch the movie, yet it was not screened. Hope to watch it this weekend, " said Apar Mathur, 23, a medical
"I am not sure whether it is being screened yet but I am very keen to watch it, " he added.
Ketaki Mishra, a resident, pointed out that the format of IPL matches was such that players from all countries were allowed to participate in it and what Shah Rukh said about the inclusion of Pakistani cricketers made
"Frankly speaking, what Shah Rukh Khan had said didn't call for such ruckus and controversies. It was a generic statement and the issue has been blown out of proportion. He didn't say anything wrong or make any
mistake. Why such a big fuss?" she asked.
Shopkeeper Aayaz Khan said: "I am a big fan of Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan. I will watch the movie next week."
Monday, February 15, 2010 10:36 IST