Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who has a huge fan following in Germany, tried to learn German while he was in Berlin, but says he is not good with learning new languages.
"'Ich liebe oish' is the second thing I learnt in Germany. They said 'oish' means all... as in 'I love you all'. Not good with languages. Just about make it in Hindi and English. But I know so many people who pick up languages so fast. It astounds me, " Shah Rukh posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.
King Khan left a trail of swooning fans at the red carpet premiere of his "My Name Is Khan" in Berlin and the tickets for the film were sold out in five seconds at the fest.
Fans had not slept all night to keep their places in the queue despite the sub-zero temperature.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:35 IST