Bollywood actor Preity Zinta Saturday donned an apron and a chef's cap as she launched Emami Group's edible oil brand ‘Healthy and Tasty' in Kolkata.
Emami has roped in cricketer M S Dhoni and Preity, as the ambassadors for the brand.
"I am thrilled to become the ambassador for Emami's edible oil brand, Healthy & Tasty. As I had the opportunity to use the oil, I am fully convinced that Healthy & Tasty will break the myth that health and taste cannot
go hand-in-hand in food.
On the contrary, maintaining a healthy lifestyle even by consuming tasty food will now be a certainty with the Healthy & Tasty brand. The brand will help any food sparkle with both
health and taste, " said Preity.
Meanwhile, Dhoni and Zinta have teamed up to do a TVC for the brand and the ad-film has been directed and conceived by Prahlad Kakkar and Adi Pocha.
"I had a wonderful experience to work for the ad-film of the brand along with M S Dhoni, " said Preity.
Monday, February 22, 2010 11:00 IST