TV actor Ram Kapoor says he always thought of Rahul Mahajan as a notorious guy, but his perception changed when he met him on the sets of the reality show "Rahul Dulhaniya Le Jaayega"
"I got to meet Rahul for the first time on the sets of this show. Whatever I knew of him was through articles that I had read about his various scandals. So I formed an opinion that maybe he is wild and immature. But all
that drastically changed when I met him," said Ram, who is hosting the show.
"He is a very different man underneath. He is very emotional and sensitive," he added.
"Rahul Dulhaniya Le Jaayega", which comes on NDTV Imagine, is an attempt to find a suitable match for Rahul through a worldwide search.
Monday, February 22, 2010 11:04 IST