Many Bollywood stars had remained tight-lipped during the recent row between Shah Rukh Khan and the Shiv Sena. But the superstar said Saturday it was for the good as their reactions would have only aggravated
The actor's remarks about the inclusion of Pakistani players in the Indian Premier League (IPL) had sparked negative reactions from the Shiv Sena in Mumbai. The party even threatened to ban his latest film "My Name
Is Khan" in India's entertainment capital, but Shah Rukh emerged unscathed.
Asked about how he felt when most industry members stayed away from commenting about the issue even though some did so on microblogging site Twitter, Shah Rukh told reporters: "It wouldn't have subsided the
issue. Rather it would have fuelled it."
Shah Rukh visited Cinemax theatre in Versova and Fun Republic in Andheri here for promoting his film. He has put two graffiti walls there and asked the people to write about the changes that they would like to see in
the world.
"My Name Is Khan" released worldwide Feb 12 and has been garnering a positive response ever since. Directed by Karan Johar, it also features Kajol.
Monday, February 22, 2010 11:14 IST