The gorgeous beauty Additi Gupta, who was lastly seen in Star Plus's ‘Kis Desh Mein Hai Meraa Dil' has had a lot of free time since the show went off air. Therefore, the girl thought to chill out somewhere doing all
those things which she could not do while the show was on.
Our source around Aditi informs, "Aditi had visited her cousin's place at Delhi and had been there for almost 10 days. She had come back on the 21st of this month. But there was a notable change in Aditi's built as
she has put on hordes of weight and was quite fresh from before."
Thus, we called Aditi to know about her journey and she tells, "As I visited my cousin's place after two years, I enjoyed their company thoroughly doing all those things which I have been missing since a long time. I
have been munching and sleeping all the time and thus I have gained weight compared with before.''
"Apart from eating and sleeping I had also played cards along with my cousins which I was missing here in Mumbai", adds Aditi.
When asked about her plans to come back on television, she said, "Right now, I don't have any plan to come back in any daily soap or serial. I am vacationing still.
But yes, I will be seen soon on a live show
which is dedicated to those women who have achieved great heights in their lives. The show will be happening within a few days. It will be telecast on the occasion of Women's Day i.e. on 8th March."
"I will be performing in that live show and can't reveal much of it, " reveals Aditi before signing off.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 09:55 IST