In a marked departure from the norm, the Karthik Calling Karthik director Vijay Lalwani has decided to alter his next
script according to the public's perceptions of his directorial debut.
The anxious director has in fact been visiting the theatres of Mumbai all weekend to gauge reactions. "The younger
audiences seem to like the lighter first-half where Farhan Akhtar romances Deepika Padukone. The more serious
second-half seems to be a kind of angst-filled journey for the protagonist as well as the audience."
The shape of Lalwani's next film would depend on the final reaction to Karthik Calling Karthik.
Says the director, "In the coming days I hope to learn from my mistakes, understand what the audiences have not
liked in Karthik and modify my next script accordingly."
Lalwani has two scripts ready. "One is an out-and-out romantic film, the other a thriller. Whichever I do I'll modulate
after I assimilate audiences' responses to Karthik Calling Karthik."
Tuesday, March 02, 2010 12:13 IST