Tamil actress Ranjitha who was seen in a compromising position with Swami Nityananda has finally broken her
silence in the press.
Talking about her relationship with controversial godman she says, " I am a devotee of Nityananda and used to offer
my services like 'feeding' and 'massaging' to him."
Ranjitha also claims that she has known Nityananda for quite some time and is grateful to him for curing her
wheezing trouble in just a day.
"The media has unnecessarily blown the issue out of proportion. I know swamiji for the past few years and my
association with him is quite transparent, " she tells.
However, in the video, Ranjitha is shown not just feeding and massaging the swami, but also lying on top of him
and indulging in a sexual foreplay.
The video is learnt to be secretly shot by Nityananda's onetime
associate Lenin Karuppan, who has accused the swami of "misbehaving" with beautiful women and "forcing" them
into performing sexual acts with him.
Thursday, March 11, 2010 13:57 IST