After Snoop Dogg, its' Akon's turn to sweep Bollywood off its feet. The famous R&B star who is SRK's guest these days has given his nod to record yet another song. And it's not just any English number, but a traditional Punjabi song that the pop star will record with his good pal Aadesh Shrivastava.
The song's lyrics went Kudi Kadh Ke Kalja Le Gayi but Akon proved himself as glib-tongued in Punjabi as he did in Hindi a day earlier.
Confirming the news, a source told a daily that when Akon was told what the Punjabi words meant, he doubled up with amusement observing that ‘girls going away with his heart' is something he could identify with in any language.
Talking about the ongoing Akon mania Aadesh Shrivastava told, "On Wednesday night, when we were rehearsing for the Punjabi number, at least 200 youngsters gate-crashed into our recording area. We had to call the cops."
Saturday, March 13, 2010 11:37 IST