Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty has announced her latest venture on micro-blogging site Twitter. She is all set to open a new club called Royalty in Mumbai with her businessman husband Raj Kundra.
"Okay guys this is the news. Our newest venture is Royalty - the newest club in town, nearly ready, have been busy with that, so happy (that it is) nearly done, " Shilpa posted on her Twitter page Friday.
"You heard it here first as promised. Having our first party here after the Rajasthan Royals match, hope we win...more reason to celebrate, " she added.
According to an informed source, the duo have bought Poison, a club in Bandra, and plan to re-open it by the name Royalty.
Shilpa and Raj are currently busy with the Indian Premier League (IPL) T20 cricket tournament that kicked off Friday.
Her other business ventures include a wellness spa chain called Iosis and her own brand of healthy curries and poppadoms in Britain.
Monday, March 15, 2010 12:03 IST