The sexy, curvaceous and voluptuous Anaya Das is undisputedly the new sex symbol in Tollywood. The 21-year-old Mumbai-based bombshell has signed on two new Tamil films in a matter of weeks. She is also shooting for the Tamil remake of the historical film Jhansi ki Rani – the Great Escape along with Avantika Sharma and Neelakshi Singh.
The Tamil version of Jhansi Ki Rani is based on the British version of the historic tale of the Jhansi Ki Rani is controversial in nature but is based on authentic records by a British historian as mentioned in his books. The film produced by the Cochin-based Red Ruby Films is being made in Tamil, but will be dubbed in about four additional languages including Hindi, Bengali and English.
According to her publicist and spokesperson for Red Ruby Films, this film is bound to create a big controversy as it shows the Rani as a scheming, devious woman who would stop at nothing to reach her goal which is defending Jhansi.
"All is fair in love and war, " was apparently Rani Laxmi bai's motto when she used some 'women of the night' in her army to seduce and distract the British soilders during the seige of Jhansi, says her publicist, adding that this fact has been probably ommitted by Indian historians.
"Since there is no concrete historical evidence of this and is only mentioned once by one British writer – a former officer in the British army, it may be considered as part fiction. The script of the movie uses some filmi licence, " he explains.
While Neelakshi Singh plays Rani Laxmibai, Avantika Sharma is the 20-year-old daughter of a British colonel. Anaya Das plays the dasi or handmaid of Jhansi ki Rani who helped her to escape from the British onslaught.
Thursday, March 18, 2010 10:40 IST