Actor Sanjay Dutt, who has donned a new avatar of a Game Master in Pepsi's new interactive ad, urges youngsters
to stay away from drugs.
"I think whatever the youth of today thinks, they achieve it. The only thing I have to say to the youngsters of today
is: stay away from drugs, " said Sanjay at the launch of Pepsi's new ad campaign "The Game" at Taj Lands End
here Thursday. The actor himself battled drug addiction for years.
PepsiCo India has come out with a new tag line - Youngistaan Ka WOW - for their new campaign. In the ad, Game
Master Sanjay challenges Ranbir Kapoor.
"The Game" would be played over five films and audience can participate in it by helping Ranbir win the challenge
through SMS, which in return will bring back prize money of Rs. 5,000,000 to a consistent performer.
Commenting upon the concept, Pepsi brand ambassdor Ranbir said: "I think Youngistaan Ka WOW is about
leaving the world speechless with your spontaneity, smartness, intelligence and I hope that's what will hit the world
with WOW."
Friday, March 26, 2010 14:46 IST