The next best friends on Indian television are your popular characters Sadhana (Sara Khan) & Ragini (Parul Chauhan) who have been synonymous with sisterly affection for their roles in Bidaai. In a world where actress
are out to tear each other down, Sara and Ragini share a bond that sets an example for actresses across the entertainment industry !!
The duo is not only close in reel life but they also share a deep rooted friendship in real life as well. We have got to know that amongst Sara and Parul whoever wakes up first in the morning has to call each other to
wish Good morning...before talking to anyone.
Only once they greet and discuss the day with each other they move on with other chores. "Infact in the track when the sisters were not supposed to be getting
along, the two had a hard time not talking to each other" quips a source.
Now we know who gets most of the credit for success of Bidaai!! Keep it up Sara and Parul. Well wonder who wishes them Good night....mmmm....not our business!!
Saturday, March 27, 2010 11:41 IST