Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, who cut her long tresses for "Karthik Calling Karthik", says it is important
for every actor to reinvent themselves now and then.
"I am enjoying my new look and it feels great. As an actor it is very important to reinvent yourself. The change
might not be important for you, but it definitely plays a pivotal role in getting closer to the character, " Deepika told
reporters here Saturday.
Dressed in a slim-fit ankle length khaki coloured trousers and a crisp white shirt, the leggy lass was present at the
ongoing Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week (WIFW) venue to announce that the Fiama Di Wills transparent gel
bathing bar has won the award for the product of the year in the soap category.
Deepika is the brand ambassador of the lifestyle product of Fiama Di Wills.
"I am very happy to announce that the product that was launched just six days back has won the award in the soap
category, " said Deepika.
The actress will walk the ramp late Saturday for the Fiama Di Wills sponsored show by designers G Pia Fleming
and Namrata Joshipura.
According to the actress, it is a great feeling for her to walk on the ramp. "It is always great to be walk on the ramp.
It is nice, " she added.
Monday, March 29, 2010 15:48 IST