Apart from his stellar performance in his recent Teen Patti R.Madhavan is also being appreciated for his look in the film. And most of that appreciation is coming from his lady love – his wife!
We come to hear that Maddy's wife who is a big Justin Timberlake fan has started singing the pop hit "I'm bringing Sexy Back" to Madhavan since she thinks his look in Teen Patti was drop dead hot.
Reveals a source " Sarita keeps singing –I'm bringing sexy back to Madhavan. It's her way of sweetly teasing him. She absolutely loves his look in the film."
Madhavan who plays 6 suave grey characters in the film right from a Casanova, an Italian, a high-end party goer, a slum dweller, a professor and a thug post his great reviews in Teen Patti is ready to take on more
roles that challenge his versatility as an actor.
Friday, April 02, 2010 13:53 IST