Akshay Kumar is taking his ace-bowler's role in a forthcoming film Patiala House dead seriously. Ever since he returned from his back-therapy in Germany Akshay has been training rigorously under former test
cricketer Paras Mhambrey.
Currently working with the team members of the IPL's Mumbai Indians, Mhambrey has been taking time off to coach Akshay whenever possible.
Akshay wants to continue training steadily and regularly so that his bowling skills are super-sharpened by the time he starts shooting.
Says the Patiala House director Nikhil Advani, "Akshay has been training diligently and religiously. His coach Paras Mhambrey even joined him at Malshej Ghat for Farah's film. Because right after that our cricket
sequences start in London."
Advani's British sports co-ordinator Robert Miller who co-ordinated the hockey and cricket scenes in Chak De and Dil Bole Hadippa, respectively, is down in Mumbai right now finalizing the list of international cricketers
who will play with Akshay Kumar in Patiala House.
Explains Advani, "We're looking at international cricketers from all over the world...England, South Africa, Australia, Bangladesh...The fact that the IPL matches are on makes our job easier because Robert can meet
and negotiate with a lot of international cricketers while they are here."
The film also requires county-level and regional cricketers whom Miller will finalize once the big-name cricketers are finalized.
Says Advani, "I basically need the cricketers from 25 May to 5 June for the various games that we'll be shooting in England. So we can work our schedules according to the cricketers' date diaries."
This, admits Advani, is easier said than done. "I've a real uphill task ahead. And I've stopped sleeping with anxiety. But I've one expert cricketer on my team already. My leading man Akshay Kumar.You've to see how
well he bowls now."
Apparently so bowled over is Akshay by his coach Paras Mhambrey that he now intends to request the former test cricketer to train his son Aarav as well.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 12:16 IST