South Indian actress Rambha will be marrying Indhiran Padmanathan, a Canada-based businessman on April 8 at Tirupathi.
The wedding will be attended only by family members while Rambha's colleagues
are invited to the reception party, which will be in Chennai on April 11. Rambha's engagement had taken place at Hotel Park Sheraton in Chennai on January 27.
The actress has decided to continue doing films even after she gets married. She states that she will quit once she's bored and will then help her husband out with his business. She has decided to only do sensible
roles though.
According to her, the reception will take place at Rani Meyyammai Hall in Chennai on April 11 and the couple will then leave for their honeymoon in New Zealand.
Rambha has done Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, Kannada, Bengali and Bhojpuri films. She also goes by the name of Vijaya Lakshmi.
Thursday, April 08, 2010 12:22 IST