Hindi Film actor Jackie Shroff recently made his debut in Kollywood with ‘Aaranya Kaandam'. The film is produced by SP Charan of Capital Film Works and is ready for release now. Meanwhile, the ace actor from Bollywood has signed yet another Tamil film titled ‘Marmam' that is reported to be a murder-mystery.
The story centers on a girl being mysteriously murdered in a palace, where a film is being shot at the same place. A team of investigative officers arrive to unravel the mystery that results in unexpected twists and turns.
The film ‘Marmam' will be simultaneously made in Tamil and Telugu with newcomers Vijaya Surya and Radhika Rai donning the lead roles while Jackie Shroff performs a prominent role.
Vijayakumar and ‘Kadhal' Dandapani have been also signed for this film, which is directed by H Madan. Apart from wielding megaphone, he has penned story, screenplay and dialogues for this film.
Friday, April 09, 2010 11:38 IST