Bollywood director Rajkumar Hirani was left stunned on receiving a mysterious parcel from a person in New South
Wales in Australia, who was hoping the award-winning director might be related to his family.
Kranti Hirani from Austraila posted pictures and a CD containing images of his extended family in the hope that
Rajkumar Hirani would recognise some of them, but he didn't have the director's address.
So he addressed it as "Rajkumar Hirani, director of '3 Idiots' and 'Munnabhai', Santa Cruz" - and as luck would have
it, it was delivered to the director.
"I was stunned by this whole episode. I can understand a parcel being delivered without an address to someone like
Amitabh Bachchan or Aamir Khan, but how did this happen to me? I'm very grateful to the postal department for
going out of their way to deliver this parcel to me, " Rajkumar Hirani said in a statement.
Apparently, the parcel created quite a buzz when it reached the post office. But officials were finally able to locate
his actual residence in Bandra East and delivered the parcel two weeks after it was dispatched by Kanti Hirani.
A source close to the director said: " (Rajkumar) Hirani kept wondering just how much effort the postal department
must have taken to make sure he got the parcel, considering that there was no address and he lived in Bandra East
and not Santa Cruz.
"They could have easily returned it to the sender. Although the gentleman in question thought that Rajkumar was
distantly related to him, that was not the case, and he has been informed accordingly. While Hirani's films have
generated a big fan following for him and he receives hundreds of letters from all over the world, this letter takes the
Monday, April 12, 2010 19:08 IST