Finally, Ram Gopal Varma's film Phoonk 2 has found a contestant named Hitesh Sharma who could not see
through the movie all alone in the theatre.
After about 45 minutes he raised his hands and walked out of
the theatre where he was watching this film alone." Actually, I was enjoying the movie Phoonk 2. But as a doll
enters conspicuously, I got very nervous.
Probably, being all alone in the theatre was a first time
experience and as I could not see anyone else I do not know what happened to me that I felt like getting out of the
cinema hall."
He further added, " No nothing was planned. I offered for the contest and I got to be the lucky one out of the rest of
the other four contestants as in the lucky draw a chit with my name was selected. Yes! I admit and say ‘Mein
darpok hoon'."
Surprisingly, while Ramu's Phoonk 2 has successfully scared Hitesh Sharma, Ramu has offered Hitesh to work
with him in Phoonk 3.
"I am very happy to be a part for Ramu's Phoonk 3. I have just learned that he has
offered me a role. Nothing was planned. I got scared and I feel Ramu is right when he says ‘My film is scarier'."
Adds Hitesh the darpok.
So guys, wait for Ramu's Phoonk 3 to come to the theatres sometime next year. We need to wait and watch what
Phoonk 2 has in store at the box office windows.
Saturday, April 17, 2010 13:20 IST