Ram Gopal Varma's spooky thriller "Phoonk 2" will compete with "Paathshala" this week and the filmmaker says it has to be seen whether audiences choose Shahid Kapoor-Ayesha Takia or his film's crow and a
witchy old lady.
Both the films have hit the screens Friday.
"In their film they have Shahid and in our film we have a crow. Heroine in their film is Ayesha Takia and we have a witchy old lady. We will see which couple audience like the most, " Varma told reporters at FAME
cinema Thursday.
Asked to clarify whether he is comparing Shahid, Ayesha with a crow and a witchy old lady, he said: "I am saying that only. Shahid is the crow and the witchy old lady is Ayesha Takia and let people decide which
couple they want to see more."
Directed by Milind Ukey, "Paathshala" tries to answer questions related to the sanctity of today's education system. It sheds light on the shortcomings schools where basic teaching ethics seem to have taken a back
Debutant director Milind Gadagkar's "Phoonk 2" is a sequel to "Phoonk", which was directed by Ram Gopal Varma. The cast remains the same.
Saturday, April 17, 2010 14:20 IST