In Delhi Vidya has been shooting outdoors on the streets from dawn till 10.30 pm. And she is exhausted.
"There's no time to do anything. By the time we wrap up all I want to do is crash out for the day. Sadly my sister stays in Gurgaon (on the outskirts of Delhi) and I haven't been able to meet her. She's a wife mother
and a jobholder. By the time she comes from work it's too late for us to meet up."
This is Vidya's first opportunity to shoot a film in Delhi. "I love the wide open spaces the broad streets and the crowded lanes. Rani and I have been shooting outdoors. Since she's my favourite actress from the
immediately-senior generation I am happy to be sharing camera space with her."
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 17:40 IST