Rajat Tokas, who shot to fame as the young Prithviraj Chauhan of Dharti Ka Veer Yodha Prithviraj Chauhan fame, is all set for a return to television. The popular star is tipped to make his comeback with Balaji
Telefilms' upcoming weekly Keshav Pandit on Zee TV, so claims a TV report.
Well, Tokas must have grown in years but, the actor is supposedly enacting the younger version of the protagonist again. In this case, Tokas is playing the adolescent Keshav Pandit.
Despite repeated attempts, Tokas remained unavailable for comment.
Tokas has remained in wilderness for over two years. During this period, it's widely speculated that the actor's haughty attitude made him infamous with most TV producers. Apparently, it's also heard that he was
literally begging for work. He was keen to perform on award functions but none obliged him.
Looks like, the ordeal had ended for Tokas. We wish him a successful comeback.
Friday, April 23, 2010 13:01 IST