Chak dhoom dhoom, a dance reality show for kids. The show is hosted by Pravesh Rana, child prodigy Saloni Daini and it's adjudicated by the legendary Saroj Khan, the talented Ahmed.Khan and strangely, actor
Vindoo Dara Singh. Yet again one is questioning the wisdom of having an actor adjudicate a dance reality show. The choice is even more debatable as Vindoo has never been known for his dancing skills.
Apparently, the word drumming during the press conference was that Vindoo will be judging the kids as a layman.
We spoke to Chak dhoom dhoom mentors Bosco Caesar and they too echoed a similar line.
"Vindoo is an emotional guy. Saroj and Ahmed Khan will judge technically, while Vindoo will adjudicate like the junta. Guess, the channel needed someone with junta's vision and Vindoo must be the perfect choice, "
said Bosco and Caesar.
During Bigg Boss 3, Vindoo projected himself as a very emotional person and one who broke down at the slightest of provocation. Will Vindoo pacify the weeping kids on the show?
"No, on the contrary, it will be the kids who will wipe his tears, " said the mentors jokingly.
Pity the viewers who will have to bear another emotional atyachar.
For the record, it must be recollected that Rahul Mahajan who won the bade dilwala award in Bigg Boss 2 was rewarded with a judge's post in Chhote Miyan – a stand-up comedy show for kids. Vindoo, who won Bigg
Boss 3, finds himself judging dancing kids. Perhaps, one can now safely assume that Chak dhoom dhoom is merely reward for winning Bigg Boss.
Friday, April 23, 2010 13:22 IST