Director Jagmohan Mundhra, who believes that films should be released on every platform on the same day, will simultaneously release his movie "Apartment" in theatres and on the Rajshri website Friday.
"People going to see 'Apartment' will not be able to see it for free, regardless of which platform they choose. The person, who wants to download and watch it on the computer, will have to pay for it. Even DVDs should
be released on the same day as the movie, " Mundhra told. is the official website of Rajshri Media Private Ltd.
Mundhra believes that releasing the film in every mode simultaneously would help prevent piracy.
"Piracy fulfils the need of people who don't go to the theatre. Whether you release a movie or not, pirated CDs and DVDs are available in the market. It's better to release movies on every platform as long as revenue is
generated, " said Mundhra.
"Apartment" is based on a girl from a small town.
Preeti Sengupta (Tanushree Dutta) is an air hostess who lives with her boyfriend Karan Malhotra (Rohit Roy).
She is possessive and has issues with trust. Suspecting infidelity, Preeti throws her boyfriend out of the house but soon realizes she can't afford the apartment rent on her own.
Neha Bhardwaj (Neetu Chandra), a small-town girl, comes and asks for accommodation. Impressed by her simplicity, Preeti believes she has found a perfect roommate. Slowly, however, things begin to go wrong.
Actor Anupam Kher plays a pivotal role in the film.
Asked about the deal with, Mundhra said: "There is a business share. I don't know the details of the business deal but I know makes a standard deal. They are the content aggregators. They
don't create the content; they take it from people like me."
Friday, April 23, 2010 13:36 IST