Bollywood's original Khiladi, Akshay Kumar, has undergone a change of image in recent years. He successfully shed his action image to do comedies like Heyy Babyy, Welcome and Singh is Kinng. He bounced back as a stuntman in Kambakkht Ishq and will now do a sci-fi flick, Action Replay. All in all, Akki has reinvented himself. The man now plans to turn director as well.
Akshay has been in the industry for several years now. He has an immense knowledge of cinema and the required expertise to wield the baton for a film. He wrote Namastey London and gave the concept for Waqt - The Race Against Time.
He also turned producer with his production house Hari Om Productions launched a couple of years earlier. The next progression is director. Some of his contemporaries have directed films, like Ajay Devgan (U Me Aur Hum), Aamir Khan (Taare Zameen Par) and Arshad Warsi (Hum Tum Aur Ghost). And now, even Akki is keen to call the shots soon!
A source told us that Akshay is giving serious thought to turning director. Apparently he has no directorial plans as of now, but would like to direct sometime in the near future. Life has come full circle for Akshay as he juggles various roles – actor, producer, sports enthusiast, anchor, and now director. He is truly a complete entertainer.
Friday, April 30, 2010 11:24 IST