Bollywood actress Tulip Joshi, who has already acted in a number of Telugu movies, is now debuting in Kannada films. She will be seen in actor Upendra's upcoming movie Super (hand symbol).
It also stars
Tamil actress Nayantara. Initially, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was supposed to be the second heroine after Nayantara and producer Rockline Venkatesh was trying to get her to join the project.
Ever since Super was announced, Upendra has declined revealing any details about the cast or script of the project. The crew members have also been asked to remain tight-lipped about the project. Tulip's presence in
the project is, however, confirmed.
Tulip states that she is friends with Upendra and that they have been planning to do a film together. According to her, the movie Super is an extension of their friendship and that she agreed right away when Upendra
asked her for it.
She has watched some of his earlier films and feels that he's a very hardworking actor-director. She has shot for Super a while ago and believes that he's the kind of director who will never give up until he's achieved
what he wants. She also reveals that she had a great time shooting with Nayantara.
But that's as much as she revealed about the film. She went quiet when asked about her role in the film as she states that she isn't allowed to talk about it.
Friday, April 30, 2010 17:28 IST