As West Bengal celebrated the 90th birth anniversary of India's only Oscar winning film director Satyajit Ray Sunday, his son Sandip announced he would make his next movie based on Ray's popular Bengali detective story in the Feluda series "Gorosthaney Sabdhan".
Feluda is a fictional character starring in a series of Bengali novels and short stories written by Satyajit Ray. Feluda is a Kolkata based detective who along with his cousin and assistant Topshe solves mystery cases.
"We have decided to adapt famous Feluda series novel 'Gorosthaney Sabdhan' into a film. We will start shooting for it from next month, " said Sandip Ray, himself an acclaimed film director.
"Gorosthaney Sabdhan" (Caution in the Graveyard) is one of the most popular stories in the Feluda series.
"Sonar Kella" (The Golden Fortress), "Jai Baba Felunath" (The Elephant God), "Bombay er Bombete" (Dacoits of Bombay), "Koilash-e Kelenkari" (Chaos In Kailas) and "Tintorettor Jishu" (Tintoretto's Jesus) are the popular novels in the Feluda series which have been adapted into films.
"Sonar Kella" and "Jai Baba Felunath" were directed by Satyajit Ray himself while the other three films were directed by Sandip Ray.
Several other stories of Feluda stories has also been made into television serials.
Several programmes were organised in the city and elsewhere in the state to celebrate Ray's birth anniversary. Ray is regarded as a trendsetter in Indian movies with acclaimed movies like "Pather Panchali" (Song of the Road).
All television channels also broadcast programmes on Ray.
Monday, May 03, 2010 11:15 IST