South Indian actress Sindhu Menon, who is currently busy with the shooting for her upcoming Tamil movie in Chennai, is excited about her engagement to London-based businessman Prabhu.
She reveals
that when she misses him, she takes a peek at the diamond necklace that he has gifted her. According to her, he is a nice guy who has watched all her movies and has no issues with her being an actress.
Prabhu is a businessman who lives in London and Sindhu had never met him before her engagement. His family had come down to India on a business tour recently when the offer came up from one of Sindhu's
mother's cousins.
Both families met and matched kundlis (horoscope). They then agreed to get both of them married. Sindhu expresses that the engagement happened very suddenly.
Their engagement ceremony was a low-key affair, according to the wishes of both families. It was attended by many of her friends and her brother Karthik Menon was on his toes all the time, making sure everything
was going smoothly.
The couple is said to be in plans to settle down in London after their wedding. Prabhu has returned to London after the engagement and hopes that Sindhu will complete all her projects before they get married. Sindhu
is currently in Chennai, where she is shooting for her Kollywood film.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010 10:39 IST