After Shah Rukh Khan in My Name Is Khan, it is Abhishek Bachchan's turn to be marketed on a global platform by Fox Star. The company plans to unleash the Abhishek starrer Dum Maro Dum on the same level
globally as Khan. Goa, Bachchan and Bipasha Basu are the heady mix that Fox are counting on to entice an international audience.
In the meanwhile, Fox Star and their global equivalent Fox Searchlight are hoping to see My Name Is Khan (MNIK) do a Slumdog Millionaire in the US, thereby paving the way for the second Bollywood release Dum
Maro Dum from Fox.
Fox's CEO Vijay Singh is super-optimistic. "We're only releasing MNIK in 2 New York theatres on May 5, But please remember, Slumdog Millionaire was initially released in only 5 theatres in New York. We hope to
add more theatres to Khan after the first week."
The film then goes to France in May, Germany in June, Spain in July, Russia in August and Italy in September. All the centers barring Germany would screen the original film in its shortened version with English
Informs Vijay Singh, "Germany is traditionally a country that accepts dubbed versions of films from all over the world. In other countries the subtitled versions work better."
Having tested the water, Fox Star is now ready to market Rohan Sippy's Dum Maro Dum on the same global pattern as MNIK.
Says Singh, "We feel Dum Maro Dum has the same potential to appeal to a global market as Khan. Goa, where the film is set being the focus of interest. Also the young trendy cast should appeal globally."
Wednesday, May 05, 2010 10:47 IST