Vidya Balan, who plays Sabrina Lal, slain model Jessica Lal's sister in No One Killed Jessica couldn't control her emotions when news that the Supreme Court went ahead with the life sentence given to Manu Sharma for murdering Jessica came out. She rushed to director Rajkumar Gupta and announced the news after which everyone on the sets rejoiced.
Vidya had been shooting a crucial court sequence for No One Killed Jessica in Delhi when the news broke out. On hearing of the development, Vidya was overjoyed to see that justice had been done.
Vidya had to pass through almost 500 students, who had gathered at the location of the shoot that day, until she reached Gupta.
According to sources, Vidya signed a lot of autographs that day. This is the first time she has ever signed so many autographs in a single day.
All the unit members decided to celebrate after the verdict had been passed. The cast and crew ordered a lavish spread and celebrated by having lunch together that day. Once the meal was over, they also ordered a lot of desserts, including kulfi and sweets.
Friday, May 07, 2010 12:56 IST