Priyanka Mishra also known as Vishakha of 'Chhoti Bahu' (ZEE TV) was recently thrown out of the house by Dev (Avinash Sachdev) for causing problems. The family did bask in well earned happiness but before they
get too comfortable, Vishakha will be making a re-entry to create havoc.
A source informs, "Vishakha's exit telecast but in fact her exit from the show was scheduled for much later. But Priyanka Mishra's father expired in the meantime and thus her track was shot and she was sent to her
family. But now as she is back again she will be re-entering to the show with a new twist."
We called Priyanka and she says, "Yes, I will be shooting back but might be by next week. And hope the creative has decided some good track for me."
We appreciate you spirit, Priyanka!
Saturday, May 08, 2010 10:43 IST