Prajakta Shukre failed to make it to the gala rounds of Indian Idol 5. Speculation was rife that the Indian Idol winner Abhijeet Sawant too may be discarded. However, so far the singer will remain committed to the show.
This was revealed at the show's press conference.
After months of auditioning, 17 singers will grind it out for the next few months to achieve the crown of Indian Idol. The shoot started in Mumbai on 8 May and Abhijeet Sawant was present at the shoot today. Will
Sawant be there at the finale too? This question though remains unanswered.
A source informs, "Earlier there was talk of having an established singer as host. That thought still hasn't died. Though Abhijeet is the co-host now, there's no guarantee that he will stay throughout the competition.
Frankly speaking, he's really bad as an anchor. Perhaps, he connects with the Maharastrian audience, and that's why he's being chosen."
In an earlier report, Sawant claimed that he was "cool" with whatever the channel decided. His fans will certainly hope that he stays on as host.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 13:03 IST