In a recent interview to a film magazine, former Bigg Boss participant, actor and producer Raja Chaudhary very candidly said, "Shradha is better than Shweta (Shweta Tiwari) as a person, a human and a companion."
He further added than Shradha Sharma is much more sexier and beautiful than his ex-wife Shweta Tiwari.
Raja Chaudhary is a fighter, a survivor and a tough person. In spite of what has been written about him in the past, Raja has made a U-turn. He has convinced his lady-love Shradha Sharma to be with him and the
couple have kissed and made up.
In fact, Raja is expected to go to Shradha's home at Lokhandwala officially this Sunday and ask her to take him back as her partner. He is also expected to propose marriage to her once again, after their bitter
experience in Emotional Attayachar.
If Rakhi Sawant and Abhishek can do a Reality Show together even after breaking up, so can Shradha Sharma and Raja Chaudhary. But in this case, the couple is now very much together. Sources say that Sharadha
and Raja Chaudhary will be seen in a dance Reality Show very soon on a popular Hindi entertainment channel.
The couple is also negotiating a comedy show togther as well as stage shows and item songs in films. Raja Chaudhary is supposedly producing a new music video for Sharadha. We look forward to seeing the couple
together on screen. Like they say, "all's well that ends well". We wish the couple some great times together.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 13:18 IST