Salman Khan has been wearing the Being Human Watches for over a year now. He has also presented the watches to many of his friends and relatives. But they are not officially available in the market.
On May 22, Salman Khan and his family will be in Dubai to launch the designer range of Being Human watches. He wants to follow it up by a launch in India and then London.
For my charity
Salman doesn't believe in taking money from people for his charitable organization. He wants to make products and raise funds through them.
After launching his range of designer shirts at the couture show
last year, he will now launch the exclusive Being Human luxury designer watches at a fashion show in Dubai. His brothers Arbaaz and Sohail alongwith sisters Arpita and Alvira, might attend the event.
It is learnt that the actor has personally supervised the design of the watches. An insider says, "The watches will be of international standards, but not priced like them."
Salman was upset on learning that his Being Human t-shirts were copied and sold on Linking Road in Mumbai. He hopes the same does not happen to the watches.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 13:47 IST