Man's best friend recently turned actress Minissha Lamba's worst enemy. Last Thursday, a stray dog who has been creating a menace in her locality, attacked her maid and her 14-year-old Tibetan Terrier, Misty.
She recalls the horrible evening, "I was all set to attend a film premier of, It's A Wonderful Afterlife. My maid had taken Misty to a grooming salon, five minutes away from my place for a hair cut.
When they
were returning, a stray dog ran towards Misty and bit her on the back and her leg. When my maid picked up Misty in her arms, the dog further bit her on the arm."
The actress recalls that the maid came home carrying Misty in her arms, both covered in blood, "I was horrified when I saw blood all over them. For a minute it was difficult to figure out who was bleeding.
Misty looked petrified. I called my vet and rushed her to him. And sent my maid to my family doctor for treatment. I was panicking as I didn't know the extent the injuries were until I they both got medical
The vet cleaned Misty's wound and gave her a few shots. The actress calmed down when she was told there was nothing to worry about.
She doesn't plan to have the stray picked by the BMC, "If I complain I
know they will come and put him down. I don't want that happening. It's another cruel act. All we can do is be more careful in the future and try and avoid this dog's path, " concludes the dog lover
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 13:02 IST