Bollywood's most glinting missy Neethu Chandra made her debut in Tamil films with Madhavan's 'Yaavarum Nalam' – a supernatural thriller followed by Vishal's 'Theeratha Vilayattu Pillai'. Winning rave reviews for her
efficient performance and glamour quotient, she's all set to shake legs for a song in 'Yuddham Sei'.
When the most leading actresses of Tamil film industry stay away from such offers of performing a song, Neethu Chandra seems to be an elision. Appositely, the actress has made an open statement saying, "There's
nothing wrong appearing for a song alone as it may add more bonanzas to the film itself.
Of course, such songs have lots of probabilities raising everyone's expectation levels and that's the reason why
filmmakers opt for such ideas."
Unlike the other songs, this number will feature Neethu Chandra in a traditional sarees and she ardently believes that fans will be surprised with her new-patterned looks.
Thursday, May 13, 2010 10:42 IST